Nastassia Ponomarenko of Connectful and Nasty Fit On What It Takes To Create An App to Build and Grow Your Business


"If you don't have a deep why then it's probably going to burn you out in the long run and it won't be sustainable"  

We sat down to chat with 2-time founder Nastassia Ponomarenko on her latest venture, Connectful. You may know Nastassia from her highly successful athleisure apparel brand, Nasty Fit that she launched at just 18 years old. She is now launching Connectful, a social platform, to support young entrepreneurs in finding their purpose and guidance through mentorship and networking. If her past success with growing her Youtube community to 650k subscribers, 61 million views and 554k followers on Instagram is any indication of her success with growing on social, then Connectful is sure to follow. Listen in to hear the most crucial steps you need to take when deciding to build an app to grow your business and how to successfully scale & build a new company.

The Real Deal Behind The Hustle

What’s a tool or app that helps you manage your life or work that you couldn't live without?


What’s a book that every Girl Behind The Hustle should read?

Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill

Go to song before a meeting?

The Blessing by Elevation Church

What does self-care mean to you?

Being intuned with yourself and your emotions. Listening to your body

Resources mentioned in this episode

You can connect with Nastassia on Instagram Download the app Connectful and Read More of Her Story

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