Prioritizing Yourself, Setting Boundaries & Practicing Self-Care Daily With Self-Care Doctor, Dr. Genovia Holmes

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I think sometimes we as women get lost in our hustles. Hustle can feel like chasing grinding and go, go, go . You can hustle, but you can do it gracefully and if anything this time that we are in right now is teaching us how to move slower and sit still. You can hustle and have boundaries. Hustle and practice self-care, enjoy the journey of your growth and build a team. Those things are all more important than the hustle. Hope you understand this more after hearing Dr Genovia Holmes’ story. 

Dr Genovia Holmes believes that you should never leave home without your boundaries. She is a therapist, a certified dynamic mindfulness teacher, co-founder of The Impact, which is a millennial empowerment brand, and founder of Take Care Sis. She helps others cope with daily life stressors, trauma and other mental health related issues. Through practical self care and dynamic mindfulness practices, Dr Genovia teaches harmony and healing in the lives of her sisters both young and old. 

During our chat, we discussed why it's important to pour into our cups, prioritize ourselves, change how we’re quantifying losses & wins and why we need to check in with ourselves daily.


The Real Deal Behind The Hustle

How do you define self care?

It is a daily decision to choose and prioritize self. Otherwise, we’ll just put ourselves on the back burner and that puts us in position to always be reactive to every situation that we experience. 

What’s your self care routine?

It’s not one routine. I have a morning routine. I have things that I do throughout  the day based on me checking in with myself through the day and asking, “Hey what do I need?” That can be as simple as “Did you eat today?” 

What’s a quote or mantra that keeps you encouraged?

Be still and know that I am God. If God has called me to do all of these things, I need him to be amidst all of these things. I need to know that he is amidst all of these things and I found myself losing sight of that when I was constantly going, going, going and constantly being busy. I wasn’t taking care of business even though I was busy. There is productivity in the rest and being able to rest and being able to be still. 

What is a tool that you couldn’t live without?

Boundaries. Personal and professional. Boundaries are necessary and they are healthy. We are enforcing them on a daily basis with confidence & conviction, which sometimes looks like giving them a blessed ‘No’ with no explanation.

My name is Genovia and one truth about the hustle is It’s invigorating.

Here’s how you can connect with Dr. Genovia | Instagram | LinkedIn 

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