Andrea Barrera, Founder and CEO of Gracious Om Luxury Beauty Brand

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After experiencing a stressful period in her life and not wanting to turn to pharmaceuticals to her manage anxiety & stress, Andrea Barrera began looking into holistic healing, plants and the healing properties of CBD.  This led Andrea to create Gracious Om, a CBD Infused beauty brand focused on healing, self-love & self-care. Listen in as we discuss personal sacrifices that Andrea has had to make to build her company, how her definition of success has changed and a go to mantra that we all need right now.

Gracious Om can be found online as well as at Anthropology. Gracious Om  fights against climate change by giving a portion of their sales to the Amazon Watch and partnering up with One Tree Planted to help plant over 500+ trees!!

The Real Deal Behind The Hustle

What book should every Girl Behind The Hustle read ?

Rich dad, Poor dad, The 4 Agreements, Clockwork

What’s a tool or app that helps you manage your life or work that you couldn't live without?

Google Calendar & Notes

What’s a quote or mantra that keeps you encouraged?

Take care of yourself and the future will take care of itself.

My Name is Andrea Barerra and I am Unstoppable.

Here's how you can connect with Andrea Barrera and support her businesses Gracious Om | Instagram |

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